Leadership Development is an Investment that Pays Off

HomeLeadership DevelopmentLeadership Development is an Investment that Pays Off

I am blessed with several opportunities each year to mentor newer and younger nonprofit directors this past year, and have been struck with how leadership development is often acquired in “fits and starts,” and not through any intentional means. Why isn’t leadership development a priority in the nonprofit sector as it is in the for profit sector? 

I am heartened to have seen more foundations investing in leadership development and new studies are showing how small investments in training and coaching produce big and enduring returns.

Those of us who have served the community as nonprofit leaders for decades can contribute to the capacity building of our newest leaders in many ways. Please let me know if you want to explore this further.  Maybe we can create something together.

See what the Haas Jr. Fund is doing about Leadership Development: http://www.haasjr.org/programs-and-initiatives/leadership/nonprofit-leadership

The next three postings explain my work as an Interim Executive Director followed by a brief overview of how I view Transition Management and how to address Resistance to Change.

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I am an independent consultant specializing in organizational change, transition management, Executive Transitions and serving as a nonprofit Interim Executive Director. I believe in building board and staff capacity by providing information and tools for informed choices and decisive action. My areas of work include program planning and design, leadership transitions and onboarding, board development, community organizing, organizational restructuring, and creating earned income strategies.